Omar Al-Hadidi, (5 Month), Only Survivor in Israel Attack, Mother, 4 Siblings, among 10 Family Members Died

Gaza, Palestine: Ten members of one family were killed by an Israeli airstrike at a refugee camp west of Gaza City.

A five-month-old, Omar Al-Hadidi, was the only survivor, after his mother, four siblings, aunt, and four cousins died. when a three-story house in the Shati refugee camp collapsed after an Israeli attack.

Omar Al-Hadidi, (5 Month), Only Survivor in Israel Attack

The baby’s father, Mohammad Al-Hadidi, was not at home at the time. “There were no rockets there, just women and children, no rockets, just peaceful children celebrating Eid, what have they done to deserve this?” his father told media agency.

A doctor treating Omar said: “He was in a bad condition. His thigh bone is broken and he has bruises all over his body but thankfully after first inspection he is stable.”

Several Israeli missiles targeted the house of Alaa Abu Hatab, 35, in the densely populated beach camp and adjacent buildings, killing four of his five children and his wife, in addition to his sister and four of her children.

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