Kerala: As rescue operations entered their fifth day on Saturday, the death toll from the landslides and floods in Wayanad, Kerala, has reached 344, with 206 people still missing. A 1,500-strong rescue team, including personnel from the Defence forces, NDRF, SDRF, police, fire service, and volunteers, began their searches early Saturday morning in the hardest-hit areas of Churalmala, Velarimala, Mundakayil, and Punchirimadom.
On the fifth day of rescue efforts, about 1,300 personnel from various forces, including the NDRF, K-9 Dog Squad, Army, Special Operation Group, Madras Engineering Group, Police, Fire Force, Forest Department, Navy, and Coast Guard, were deployed. Private companies specializing in search and rescue and volunteers also joined in. Despite rains and waterlogged terrain, rescuers continued their efforts in the hardest-hit areas of Mundakkai and Chooralmala
Government Plans Township for Survivors
Rescue teams in Wayanad, Kerala, have intensified search operations, using advanced radars, drones, and heavy machinery to find survivors or remains. The death toll from the landslide has climbed to 219. The state government has announced plans to establish a new township to rehabilitate the displaced victims.
Wayanad Landslides Live Updates: Key Points
Death Toll and Missing Persons:
- The death toll has reached 344, with 206 people still missing
- Rescue teams continue to search for survivors and remains in the hardest-hit areas).
Rescue Operations:
- Approximately 1,500 personnel from various forces, including the Defence forces, NDRF, SDRF, police, fire service, and volunteers, are involved in the rescue operations
- Advanced radars, drones, and heavy machinery are being used to aid in the search efforts
Affected Areas:
- The worst-affected areas include Churalmala, Velarimala, Mundakayil, and Punchirimadom
- The disaster has resulted in massive boulders and logs being deposited in residential areas, complicating rescue efforts
Government Response:
- The Kerala state government has announced plans to establish a new township to rehabilitate the displaced victims
- Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin and Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah have extended support and financial aid for the rescue operations and rehabilitation efforts
Community and Volunteer Efforts:
- Private companies specializing in search and rescue, along with numerous volunteers, have joined the efforts, demonstrating significant community support .
- Rescuers are braving heavy rains and waterlogged terrain, which are hampering the search and rescue operations.
- The deployment of additional NDRF teams and other resources is ongoing to address these challenges.
These updates reflect the ongoing situation in Wayanad as rescue operations continue amidst difficult conditions.
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