Hyderabad: In a swift action, the Abids police on Sunday rescued a six-year-old girl from her kidnapper within hours of her abduction and arrested the accused, Bilal of Bihar, from the Kothur police limits in Rangareddy district. The victim was shifted to a Bharosa centre for medical examination and counselling. The police began tracking the accused after receiving a complaint, and traced him to a place near JP dargah of Vemula Narve of Kothur. Minutes after the police took him to the police station, family members of the victim roughed up Bilal.
Central zone DCP Akshansh Yadav said the police had formed six teams who tracked down and arrested Bilal who had a history of bike theft and kidnapping of a minor girl in Bihar. “Around 5.30 pm on Sunday, we registered a kidnap case following a complaint lodged by the girl’s family members. The girl, who came to her grandparents’ residence at Kattelamandi, was playing with a boy at Mutyalamma temple,” DCP Yadav said.
The boy returned home alone at around 4.30 pm. When the family members asked about girl, he informed them that a man took her away in an autorickshaw, the DCP said. Bilal lured the girl with chocolates and told her that her father had asked him to take her home. Bilal took her to the Afzalgunj bus station from where he boarded a bus to Kothur. “We tracked the CCTV footage and identified the accused. Teams were dispatched to Kothur where we rescued the girl and nabbed the accused,” the DCP said.
Hyderabad police posted on X as…
A 6yr girl was kidnapped by a man native of Bihar from kattelamandi area under AbidsPS limits Hyd. Promising chocolates he lured her into an auto, the kidnapper was caught within hours in Kothur. the Girl Safely Rescued by AbidsPolice & Reunited with Parents.
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