Pune Teen Kills 2 With Speeding Porsche, Gets Bail in 15 Hours, Judge Ask To Write an Essay on Accident

Pune: Vedant Aggarwal a 17-year-old son of influential builder from Pune Vishal Aggarwal got bail within hours after his speeding Proche killed two people traveling on Bike. Vedasnt’s Porche hit the bike from behind.

The horrific accident occurred around 2:15 am on Saturday when the speeding Porsche driven by the boy hit a bike, killing Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, both engineers from Madhya Pradesh working in Pune. The teenager secured bail 15 hours after his arrest.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Vijay Kumar Magar of Pune City Police confirmed the juvenile’s arrest. He has been charged with rash and negligent driving and causing harm by endangering life or personal safety under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, along with relevant sections of the Maharashtra Motor Vehicle Act.

The bail conditions for the juvenile include writing an essay on accidents, working with the traffic police of Yerawada for 15 days, receiving treatment for alcohol dependency, and undergoing psychiatric counseling.

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated that the police had urged the court to treat the accused as an adult due to the “heinous” nature of the crime. It has been confirmed that the boy was driving under the influence of alcohol, with several witnesses attesting to the heavy drinking by the teenager and his friends.

Additionally, a case has been filed against the boy’s father and the owner of the pub that served him alcohol.

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