Mumbai: Actor Sonu Sood, who has been praised on social media for arranging transport for stranded migrants, called on Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray at his Mumbai resident “Matoshree”. The meeting came on a day when Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut alleged that the actor’s generosity was part of a BJP ploy to show the state government in poor light.Aaditya Thakackeray was also in the Meeting and tweeted, “This evening Sonu Sood met up with CM Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray ji along with Minister Aslam Shaikh and me. Better together, stronger together to assist as many people through as many people. Good to have met a good soul to work for the people together,” Earlier, Sanjay Raut, in his weekly column in the party’s mouthpiece Saamna, had written that Mr. Sood would promote any party if paid well.