Zee News’ Sudhir Chaudhary Dropped from Abu Dhabi Event After UAE Princess Says ‘Terrorist’

UAE: Sudhir Chaudhary, Zee News Editor in Chief, has been dropped as a speaker from the Chartered Accountants event to be held in Abu Dhabi.

UAE princess, Hend bint Faisal Al Qasim expressed her disappointment and ask the organizers Why are you bringing an intolerant terrorist to the UAE?”

After princess Tweet, a member wrote a letter to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Abu Dhabi Chapter,

“He (Chaudhary) has been accused of manufacturing and spreading fake news, Islamophobia and communal hatred, doctoring trips, etc. Should we, a prestigious professional body invite and offer a platform and audience to an unprofessional journalist and thereby reduce our dignity and honor?”

Princess also wrote on tweets:

“When a criminal spews venom onto a society, that invites violence causing the burning of homes, businesses, and mosques. A #MuslimHolocaust is started, together with the abuse of other minorities- Dalits/Sikhs as well. Police sit & watch. I will not welcome such hate in the UAE.”

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