“SAY NO TO HALAL’ Posters Displayed by BJYM in Karwan, Jiyaguda

Hyderabad: Karwan and Jiyaguda areas, posters urging Hindus to avoid halal products during festivals have appeared in temples. These posters were put up by Rakshit Sagar, an RSS member and BJYM social media convenor. He called for a boycott of halal products during Hindu festivals. The movement, supported by prominent BJP leaders, coincides with the Bonalu festival. The concept of “halal jihad” is a recent conspiracy theory from Hindutva groups, claiming halal practices harm Hindu businesses and falsely alleging that Muslims spit in food to make it halal. Right-wing groups are pushing for a ban on halal products.

Rakshit Sagar, an RSS member and BJYM social media convenor posted the same poster on X with anote as…

“Jai Mata Di….Installed Say No to Halal Banners at various temples in Karwan and Jiyaguda area of Bhagyanagar. Appeal to my hindu bandhus to boycott HALAL and its products at least during our festivals,.

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