Saudi Arabia’s Resumption of International Flight from May 17, Doesn’t Rule Out Surprise Decisions!

Riyadh, 19 April: Saudi Arabia does not rule out surprise decisions regarding the resumption of international flight service from is May 17, 2021

Dr. Talal Al-Tuwaijri, secretary of the committee to combat the coronavirus, said that the date set for the resumption of international flight service is May 17 is subject to review again, and said “The final decision to resume international flight service will be made after taking into account several considerations, and the concerned authorities are working to study the matter from all sides.

“The decision has different dimensions and paths, and that is being studied now looking into all the details before the announced date,”  he added “The matter is not related to the Kingdom only, but other countries also have their own conditions. Our plan is to achieve 70 percent immunization of the society through vaccination before the end of 2021,” he further said, adding that the Kingdom might reopen schools after reaching that level.

Dr. Al-Tuwaijri advised people not to travel except for an urgent need in light of the continuing spread of the virus in various countries.

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