Realtor opens Fire on Family inside Home in Hyderabad

Hyderabad, 08 March: Syed Habeeb Hashmi, 52, a realtor opened fire with his licensed revolver inside his own house on family members (wife and son) following an argument over family issues in Bilal Nagar, Kalapather on Monday evening.

The wife and children managed to escape without any injuries, and all the bullets hits the roof and wall in home.

According to K Sudarshan, SHO (Kalapather), in the Evening at around 5 pm, there was an argument between the family members over some family issue, during which he opens fire three rounds with his .22 revolver on them using his licensed revolver. No person was injured as the two of the bullets hit the roof while one hit the wall.

Police arrested Hashmi and seized the weapon. A case under arms act and IPC section 307 has been booked against the realtor. He is the holder of the arms license since 2000.

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