Hyderabad Teachers Protest Against Overnight Transfers

Hyderabad: Teachers from social welfare residential institutions staged a sudden protest at Sevalal Banjara Bhavan against their overnight transfers. The teachers, coming from various districts, argued that the transfers were conducted unilaterally and without proper procedures. They claimed that identifying surplus staff and transferring them hastily violated rationalisation norms.

R. Chava, one of the protesting teachers, emphasized that guidelines require obtaining consent from senior teachers before transferring any surplus staff. If compulsory transfers are necessary, junior teachers should be prioritized. Chava and others demanded strict adherence to re-deployment norms to ensure fairness for senior teachers.

K. Jangiah, president of the Telangana State United Teachers Federation, condemned the actions of the society secretary. He criticized the abrupt release of transfer lists and the subsequent immediate counselling, calling for respect for senior teachers’ rights and adherence to fair procedures.

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