Telangana BJP Chief Bandi Sanjay Sent to Jail after Bail Plea Rejected

Karimnagar: Bandi Sanjay Kumar, BJP State President, and Karimnagar MP bail petition rejected by Karimnagar district court and sent them to judicial remand for 14 days.

After a high drama and tension, the police on Sunday night arrested him after stopping his protest ‘Jagran Deeksha’ to demand the state government to amend an order relating to the transfer of government employees and teachers.

He was kept at Manakondur Police Station overnight, was on Monday shifted to the Police Training Centre in Karimnagar town.

Bandi Sanjay, who was booked under Disaster Management Act, violating Covid norms, attacking police, and various other sections, was produced before the Karimnagar District Court here today.

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